MAP Assessment Schedule

Your child is scheduled to take the MAP Assessment in October.  The MAP provides useful information to teachers to evaluate your child’s growth throughout the school year and helps teachers determine instructional groupings.  The school system contracts with a vendor (NWEA) for its administration of the assessment. The HCPSS has entered into a privacy agreement with NWEA to protect disclosure of personally identifiable student information.  Personally identifiable information (full name, date of birth, HCPSS-assigned student identification number, classification data, which may, but does not always include, race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, free and reduced meal status, disability status for accommodations) concerning your child may not be used by NWEA.

If you do not wish for your child to take this assessment or, if your child has already taken the assessment, you do not wish for your child’s testing information considered, please complete this form and instruct your child to remind their teacher that they will not be taking MAP.

Schedule by Grade:





Grade 1

October 23rd at 9:00 am

October 23rd at 9:00 am

Grade 2

October 15th at 9:00 am

October 18th at 9:00 am

Grade 3

October 17th at 11:00 am

October 23rd at 11:00 am

Grade 4

October 17th at 1:15 pm

October 18th at 9:00 am

Grade 5

October 12th at 10:00 am

October 16th at 10:00 am