What is PBIS?
- PBIS is a research-based approach that focuses on creating positive environments more conducive to learning.
- PBIS uses proactive strategies to support pro-social behaviors.
- PBIS provides a continuum of supports, including rewards and consequences, in all environments.
- PBIS provides consistent routines, language and expectations.
Longfellow Expectations
Longfellow has 4 school-wide behavior expectations that are reinforced daily encouraging our students to SOAR. These rules can be applied to situations both inside and outside of school:
How Can Families Support PBIS?
- Ask your child to tell you the three school rules.
- Ask your child to discuss examples of ways that he or she can use these rules to help him or her to learn and participate at school.
- Discuss ways that these rules can be used at home and in the
Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation
Bullying, harassment, or intimidation are serious and will not be tolerated. Report alleged bullying, harassment, or intimidation that occurred on school property; at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property; on a school bus; or on the way to and/or from school, in the current school year. If you are a student target/victim, the parent/guardian of a student target/victim, or a close adult relative of a student target/victim, or a school staff member and wish to report an incident of alleged bullying harassment, or intimidation, please click on this link to access the Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form.