Feb. 1: End of Second Quarter
Feb. 1: String Fling Field Trip to WLHS (Rescheduled from 1/27)
Feb. 2: String Fling - Jim Rouse Theater @ 7 PM (Rescheduled from 1/28)
Feb. 3: Incoming 6th grade Parent Orientation @ 6:30 pm in the HCMS cafeteria for parents of current 5th graders (Rescheduled from 2/2)
Feb. 4: Early Dismissal for students @ 12:20 pm – Parent Teacher Conferences
Feb. 5: School is Closed for Students - Parent Teacher Conferences
Feb. 8: School is Closed for Students - Professional Learning Day
Feb. 9: Report Cards Sent Home
Feb. 10: Awards Assembly Letters Sent Home
Feb. 10: PTA Meeting @ 7 pm
Feb. 12: Quarter 2 Awards Assemblies
Primary (K-2) Assembly @ 9:10
Coffee With Administration @ 10:10 - 11:10
Intermediate (3-5) Assembly @ 2:10
Feb. 12: Friendship Day (Information Below)
Feb.12: LoES School Spirit Day - Show your LoES School Spirit by Wearing a “Wacky Tacky” Outfit to School!
Feb. 29: Kindergarten and New First Grade Registration Begins